Woman, child wounded in domestic violence shooting

Image source - Pexels.com

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – A St. Louis man is in custody for injuring his ex-girlfriend and her two-year-old child in an overnight drive-by shooting.

According to the St. Louis County Police Department’s probable cause statement, the shooting happened just before 1:15 a.m. at Telegraph Road and Kingston Drive.

Officers arrived to find a woman in a car with an unspecified gunshot wound. Her 2-year-old passenger was also wounded. They were rushed to local hospitals.

Investigators claim the victim arrived home to find her ex, Jermaine Thurman, parked outside of her apartment. The victim fled in her car and Thurman went after her with his van, firing several shots at her vehicle.

Thurman, a previously convicted felon, is not permitted to own or possess a gun.

Arnold police officers saw Thurman’s van at Telegraph and Jefferson County Boulevard and attempted a traffic stop. Thurman sped off, with Arnold and St. Louis County police in pursuit.

Thurman eventually stopped at Starling Airport Road and was taken into custody.

The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Thurman with first-degree domestic assault, first-degree assault, unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful possession of a weapon, and two counts of armed criminal action. He’s being held on a $200,000 cash-only bond.


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