SLU Student Shares Passion For Turkeypalooza, Feeding Families In Need

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ST. LOUIS — Dani Doncevic is a junior at St. Louis University. When the biology and spanish major isn’t also busy with track and field, she’s running around the Campus Kitchen.

I work as a shift leader,” Doncevic said. “I lead a baking shift every Sunday at 5 p.m., and I’m on the executive board for Campus Kitchen this year.”

This Sunday, the Campus Kitchen received its final set of donations for Turkeypalooza.

“That’s the event that we do around Thanksgiving time,” Doncevic said. “We create around over 200 meals for our community partners, which is all like based on Thanksgiving.”

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Once the students finish assembling the Thanksgiving meal boxes, it’s onto making the stuffing and the green bean casserole.

“We have a lot of apples, so I’m hoping we can maybe do some sort of apple pie bars or something like that,” Doncevic said. “I’m more of a baker myself than a cooking kind of person, so I always like to think about what we can bake with what we have.”

Everything, from the food drive to the distribution is entirely run by the student organization. And it’s obvious Doncevic is passionate about what SLU’s Campus Kitchen has been doing for the community since 2001.

“Having the basis foundation to be able to provide food insecure populations with meals, especially Thanksgiving meals, to give them either a way to cook them, a way to eat them, I think just bring a sense of holiday cheer, something that really just makes me happy, and I know that makes so many of our volunteers happy as well,” she explained.

The food will be delivered to families in need on Monday and Tuesday to places like churches, apartment buildings and other homes in the Midtown area.

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