Marijuana meetup near St. Louis County high school leads to shooting

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ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – A man faces felony charges after a marijuana meetup near a north St. Louis County high school led to a shooting earlier this month.

Steven Brown, 37, of Pine Lawn, is accused of shooting a woman as she tried to get away from an altercation.

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According to court documents obtained by FOX 2, Brown and the woman met behind Normandy High School around midnight on Dec. 8 with plans to smoke marijuana together. Court documents state Brown made unwanted sexual advances toward the woman, which led to a physical altercation.

Brown allegedly pulled out a weapon, firing one shot into the air and firing another near the victim’s legs. The victim quickly got into her car to drive away, but felt pain in her leg. Doctors later discovered she suffered a graze wound from a bullet shrapnel.

Authorities say Brown had 10 prior felony convictions. He faces four felonies in this investigation, including unlawful use of a firearm, unlawful use of a firearm by a dangerous felon, second-degree assault and armed criminal action.


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