Do you have slow Wi-Fi this holiday season? Your Christmas lights could be the reason

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ST. LOUIS – Tangled in Wi-Fi issues this holiday season? Surprisingly, your Christmas lights might be the hidden culprit. While the lights themselves don’t directly interfere with Wi-Fi signals, the flashing or flickering LED bulbs, especially those with cheap or poorly built power supplies, can cause disruptions.

Certain LED lights produce electrical noise, which is the source of the interference. This noise, often a hum or buzzing, results from the internal electronic vibrations of the LED driver.

There’s a chance this electrical noise falls within the same frequency range as Wi-Fi signals, particularly in the commonly used 2.4 GHz band.

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When the Christmas lights’ electrical noise mingles with Wi-Fi signals, it can lead to slowed connections or brief outages.

To combat Wi-Fi interference, opt for high-quality LED Christmas lights that adhere to electromagnetic compatibility standards. These lights are less likely to generate electrical noise.

Consider relocating your router away from the lights, creating space between the Christmas lights and the Wi-Fi router to prevent connectivity issues. If problems persist, consider upgrading your router or switching it to a different channel can prove effective.


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