COTTLEVILLE, Mo. – Christmastime is the season of giving. That often extends beyond just friends and family to those most in need.
Angel Dunn, known as Super Mom to those around her, is a single mother of two: a little girl and a 4-year-old boy suffering from cancer. Dunn recently arrived in an Uber at a toy drive that St. Louis Youth Sports Outreach was hosting.
“And when we saw her pull up in the Uber, it just hit home, and we thought, ‘Hey, we need to do something here,’” Scott Collett, St. Louis Sports Outreach, said.
“It was just absolutely mind-blowing to me that somebody fighting this hard has to scratch and do what they have to do for a ride,” Billy Mayhall said. “It was not acceptable for us, so we got together and figured something out for them.”
Angel was surprised with a brand-new set of wheels—a Lincoln MKS decked out in gifts from top to bottom for Elih and Nialye.
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“I thought I was coming to a Christmas party. That’s what I thought I was coming to,” Angel said. “…Well, when I first walked in, all I saw was all the people looking at me and I thought, ‘Oh no,’ but then I turned around and saw the car. It still hasn’t registered yet.”
Mayhall and Collett teamed up with several other people and businesses to make this surprise happen.
“You can look around and see the number of people—a huge support. Billy has attracted so many companies and individuals that want to dedicate their time and help out,” Kurtis Barks, owner of Cottleville Complete Auto Body and Repair, said. And to list all of them out would take a long time, but it’s just been awesome, and we thank everyone for their support.”
Angel no longer needs to rely on Ubers and medical transports to get Elih to his appointments. Her sled is ready to drive straight off the lot, making this Christmas miracle one they’ll never forget.
If you would like to make a contribution to offset the costs of Elih’s ongoing medical treatments, the family has established a GoFundMe.