Are you merging correctly on the highway?

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ST. LOUIS — You might be merging incorrectly on the highway if you aren’t following these rules. The standard for merging dictates that those attempting to enter the highway do not have the right of way. Instead, they must match the flow of traffic and merge without causing disruptions to existing highway traffic.

According to Wichita Police, while the blue arrow (the highway user) is courteous, the red arrow (the mergeer) must surrender and merge safely.

Merging occurs when two or more traffic flows of moving cars combine into a single flow. This commonly happens when lanes from different roads or routes intersect or when an on-ramp joins the main road. When cars merge, drivers need to adjust their speed and position to align with the traffic flow.

In a merging scenario involving two cars, the vehicle already on the main road typically has the right of way. Drivers entering from an on-ramp or merge lane usually yield to cars already in the main flow of traffic.

State Farm provides a 10-step plan for proper merging. Here are some crucial points to remember:

Adapt your speed: Match your speed to the flow of traffic before entering the road.

Yield, give highway drivers the right of way and avoid unnecessary stops.

Find a gap to merge easily; identify a three- to four-second gap in traffic. Keep an eye out for the car you want to follow.

Check your surroundings and examine the area around your car before changing lanes. Don’t forget to check your blind spot since mirrors only show their specific angles. Look around to ensure the way is clear.

The best course of action is to be courteous. If you’re in the merger lane and notice no one to your left while someone is merging into traffic, move over, as long as it can be done safely.

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