Addressing in-school fights in Ferguson-Florissant School District

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HAZELWOOD, Mo. – A community-wide meeting was standing room only Monday evening as residents answered the call to action from the Ferguson-Florissant School District.

Parents, staff, and neighbors lined up with suggestions on ways to address behavioral issues that are happening inside the schools.

Superintendent Joe Davis opened the meeting to the public as the district addressed recent fights at McCluer High School.

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Despite the number of fights being down across the district this year compared to last year, Davis said school officials are seeing an increase in fights happening at the high school level.

Davis said Monday’s meeting addressed a number of issues from the community and said there are some changes the district can address immediately.

“I think the therapy piece is critical. We have teletherapy now. We have a good relationship with Hazel Health,” Davis said. “But hiring more therapists in our schools and more counselors in our schools.”


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